
Everyone Loves an Award!

Very Inspiring BloggerIt just tickles me titian to have been selected by the talented talebearer Michael Fedison, author of the YA novel the Eye-Dancers, for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank millions for the shout out, Michael! As all of us writers know, it's one thing to have a single, affable, tame idea to pen, it's quite another to rein in the myriad whimsies and inspirations of our imaginations that constantly squabble and vie with each other for a chance to be "born," as it were, unto the blank page. Fortunately, the invention of the web log has provided us a safe haven for the wildly incompatible ideas whirling within our brain meats, and thus, the much-cherished poignancy of being recognized as a versatile and inspiring blogger.As an honoree, here are the steps for joining the Very Inspiring Blogger Award rollsTo thank and link the blogger that has nominated you.Then post the award logo to your blog.Write a post on the nomination and nominate 15(ish) other very inspiring bloggers.Notify them and then tell seven things about yourself.My nominees in random orderFirst and foremost, my athletic, artistic, talented, incredible and amazing partner the Amazing Hip.Two magnificent, talented, and inspring authors and friends Susan Spann and Molly Greene.The indefatigable indexer of all things science fiction and friend Twisted ever informative and astute friend and science fiction/fantasy author Dale Ivan Smith.The funny and musically hip friend and YA author L.W. Patricks.A man with impeccable taste in books (*wink*), friend, and steampunk/paranormal author Scott Whitmore.A woman of amazing depth, insight, talent and vision, friend and author Sezin Koehler.There are so many, many more people I would add to this list, but my tragically over-active thinking wheels are ready to spin off to the next thing. But to finish the steps, here are seven things of note (or good blackmail material) about me.

  1. 2012 has been the most fantastic and meaningful year of my life, and, given the fact that we are still here despite it being the dreaded End of Days à la the Mayan calendar, I am unimaginably grateful for the many gifts I've been given.
  2. On a lighter note, I finally quit mis-spelling the word "occasionally."
  3. I discovered the band Lamb this year and can't recommend them more highly.
  4. I've set a goal to run my first trail marathon in 2013. Stay tuned for many tales of suffering and angst. Or maybe show reviews.
  5. I only grieved for a few days about the Lance Armstrong cataclysm. There will always be Cadel. (I hope!)
  6. Oh, and 2013 will see the release of my second novel in the Spectras Arise Trilogy, Contract of Betrayal. The cover art is already complete and I am GIDDY about it.
  7. I'll also finish outlining the final half of a paranormal/thriller novel I'm halfway through writing and outlining the third novel in the Spectras Arise Trilogy this coming year. I'm hoping for the inspiration I've been lucky enough to corral lately continues, and I wish for the same running-over cup for you all!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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All content copyright unless otherwise specified © 2008-2013 by Tammy Salyer, writer. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to use short quotes provided proper attribution is given.

From Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's Conference, With Love

There are almost as many reasons people write as there are writers. Some of us can't sleep for the voices in our heads and must exorcise them through the written word (schizos); some of us have a love for spinning a good yarn (wordos); others appreciate the attention of having their inner-most psyche laid bare to complete strangers (narcissists); some want to make money and have decided to use their grasp of the written word to do so (dreamers); others are just looking for a mobile hobby (pragmatists); and the list goes on and on.Yet the thing that rings truest as one of the biggest reasons to write, at least for this word nerd, is the hugely validating joy and fun of getting to hang out with a bunch of other writers at a writing conference. The validation comes from the (re)discovery that we writers, with all of our quirks and quibbles, are a truly ubiquitous bunch, and we are EVERYWHERE. Finding the tribe; sharing the stories from the trenches; learning the strategies and practices that have worked for others; being reminded that we are never alone (despite the fact that we sometimes feel we are when we lock ourselves in the closet with our laptops and dimmed lights), and that if ever need support, it's just a tweet or a phone call away; that we have friends who have experienced the depths of despair of being stuck on a storyline and lived through it, and who have an extra flashlight to help us out if we need it; these are the validations and joys that keep me writing, and that make all the suffering hard work worth it. And heck, what can be more inspiring than sitting in a room filled with a couple hundred other authors, agents, editors, and publishers, all successful in the writing business in one way or another? THAT is a huge joy in and of itself.This is my second year at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's Conference, and I won't miss another one, that is for sure. The friends I made here two years ago, such as Susan Spann and Piper Bayard, will last a lifetime, and the new friends I made this year, such as Kirt Hickman, Christopher Pitchford, Theresa Crater, and Cari Z, will continue to inspire and motivate me for another year.And now it's gush time. Two years ago, I had the amazing honor of winning an award at the RMFW Colorado Gold Contest. Susan was the first person I met at the conference and we were sitting together when the winners were announced. Having a new writer buddy to share that incredible moment with was one of the highlights of my writing life. This year, I had the great privilege and joy of being able to witness Susan win her own award: the PEN Award for new first sale authors. For those who don't know, Susan has a three-book deal with St. Martins Press for a Shinobi mystery series. (How freakin' cool is that?) Her first book, The Claws of the Cat, comes out July 16th. Watch this space for more info. That moment that Susan took the stage and held her first literary award will be emblazoned in my mind forever! Susan has been a hardworking author, mentor, publishing guru, and all around wonderful friend, and there is nothing more exciting than to see someone who deserves it finally get their reward. Congratulations, Susan, and thanks for letting me bask in your glow this year!So it is with the memory and gratitude of being able to participate in such a monumental writing conference that my fully recharged writing batteries and I will eagerly jump into another year honing the craft. I'll be releasing my second novel, Contract of Betrayal, in Spring of 2013, and am more than ready to tackle the final revisions with a fresh mind and a joyous heart (despite the fact that (or maybe because of it...) there TONS of explosions and a high body count in it. But whatev, those who know me know that that's how I roll).Also, please read more about the benefits and fun times to be had while attending writing conferences over at my friend Dale Ivan Smith's blog.As Hard Harry Hard On might have said if he were actually the Eat Me, Beat Me lady: Write hard![youtube]

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All content copyright unless otherwise specified © 2008-2013 by Tammy Salyer, writer. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to use short quotes provided proper attribution is given.