Fellow indie authors, I just wanted to a do a quick post to bring your attention to this great website: http://thekindlebookreview.net. And for those who already know it, to help get the word out that they DIDN’T disappear, just switched to Wordpress from Blogger (thanks, apparently, to a cataclysmic tech fail).The Kindle Book Review is a fantastic resource that I happened upon while aimlessly surfing the internet researching indie author sites. They are great for running contests, such as the Best Indie Books contest, and for helping authors with promotions.They are indeed still alive and kicking and have asked for help getting the word out, so here’s my bit. I encourage y’all to check them out if you haven’t already and maybe lend a hand to help them recover from their recent Blogger catastrophe by doing any of the following:1) Retweet KBR tweets @Kindlbookreview, "Like" their facebook page, share, etc. This will confirm to authors/readers that they are still alive.2) Share their new url: http://thekindlebookreview.net (do not shrink the link so folks can see their full address). Sample tweet: Yea! The Kindle Book Review @Kindlbookreview is still alive and kicking. See our new site here ~> http://thekindlebookreview.net3) Visit their site and take advantage of their many great author opportunities.
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All content copyright unless otherwise specified © 2008-2013 by Tammy Salyer, writer. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to use short quotes provided proper attribution is given.