...but I wanted to jump in here with a quickie post and let you know what’s goin’ on.First of all, last week started with a rather spiraling meltdown after first hearing about Mike Pence of the US House of Representatives and his budget proposal to cut all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, furthered by the disbelief and disgust that they actually passed it. What the hell is wrong with those people? Let me get this straight: they’re anti-choice, but they also want to ensure people lose vital access to contraceptives? WTF? How is that logical?Of course, it isn’t. It’s ideology. Simple and stupid. Proves that politicians don’t give a flying eff at a rolling donut about people, and furthermore, they have a deeply socially ingrained undervaluing (even outright hate) for women and will continually pass laws or create limitations on a woman’s full rights, including to her own body. Kinda reminds me of another group of ideologists from last century who imposed birthing laws on women so they could contribute more babies to the Nation. Yeah, you know whom I mean. Here's what I think of you Boner (uh, Boehner), Pence and the rest of the mysoginistic House Republicans.
So anyway, that happened.On a more positive and personal note (although I don’t know what could be more personal than a bunch of rich white dudes trying to tell me what I can or cannot do with my body), I’ve been banging out a ton of final edits on my first novel, Contract of Defiance, with the help of some of my magnificent friends. I am so indebted to the many people who’ve sat down and put some real time and thought into this little book of mine, offered advice and suggestions, and have just been incredibly supportive. (You know who you are, and yes, your names will be in my acknowledgments page. I wish I could do more.) They say writing is a solitary endeavor, but my experience with it has been one of utmost support and sharing.I’m also thirty pages from completing the second draft revisions to my second novel, Contract of Betrayal. Editing, editing, and more editing! Whooo!The road to self-publishing is being derailed for now thanks to another old friend of mine who sent me information on a scifi / fantasy novel contest happening at Del Rey Spectra. I’m going to enter and am really excited it about it. I also discovered through some authors who write in a similar genre to mine that Penguin has an imprint press that will accept unsolicited manuscripts, so I think I’ll give that a go too. As you can see, lots of publishing paths ahead.If you’d like a little more background on the Planned Parenthood issue and / or would like to support them by urging the Senate to burn that budget amendment in the hottest hellfire it can find, check out these links.
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All content copyright unless otherwise specified © 2008-2013 by Tammy Salyer, writer. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to use short quotes provided proper attribution is given.