Ack! I’ve been meaning to start (ok, re-start) this blog since I moved to Boulder, and just keep finding other things to do. But, dear reader, it is Your Lucky Day! My brain is beginning its countdown to droolius abomicus status due to a very interesting, yet somewhat frazzling, day and I need a break from my book. In the category of good news, the novel is at a little over 70,000 words right now (this is the second novel, those who know me already know that I’ve also written another one. This is the sequel.), and have very good hopes that it will be done, at least the first draft, no later than the end of May. Woohoo! It took me about four years to write the first one, and this one’s come along in less than one year. Either I’m getting better, or I’m getting boring-er. I know, not a word, but I like the alliterative quality. OK, let me just keep this short. Here’s what’s been on my mind since I moved to Boulder.First impressions:It’s as warm as shit here! Uh, sorry, maybe not the best simile, but you get the idea. Even though the temp says 46 F, it usually feels like it’s in the mid-sixties thanks to the dry and the sun. Awesome!The traffic lights believe in pain. I’m not sure if they’re endowed with human-like sadistic tendencies, or the city engineers who decided on the timing, but the results are the same. They’re so short that you have to floor it to get through. The idea of traffic control here is to make it too frustrating to drive a car. Lights are only green for approximately 4 seconds, so if you’re the fourth car back, you get to wait twice. If you’re beyond that, you may get through by dinnertime. Eugene drivers would barely make it into the intersection before that light went from green to red.I’m beginning to regard rain as a strange wet substance that occasionally, for no apparent reason, falls from the sky. And I don’t mind this at all.That’s all for now!