Tammy Salyer

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Contract of Betrayal is Not About Space Marines. Novel Release Announcement!

Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!

Contract of Betrayal is out! While the followup to Contract of Defiance in the Spectras Arise Trilogy does not include space marines per se, there are still enough firefights, explosions, intrigues, FTL voyages, and even space rats to keep your guns-and-guts-loving nerves a-twitching. Visit TwistedSciFi.com to read a review. As Sergeant Apone in the all-time greatest space marines film would say,

"All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed?"

Get your copy at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo today!And happiest of birthdays to my muse, my inspiration, and the LOML. You are the real gift.

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